Relevant within the context of CS and the role of volunteers in monitoring wells, rivers and rainfall are 5, 6, 10,16 and 17.  SDG Goal 10 is to reduce inequality – and might be considered a priority as they acquire knowledge and with it the power to make decisions and better understand their environment. It is also pertinent that the SDG’s are soft laws but that there is a moral obligation to do the right thing and adhere to the principles of justice to achieve a better world for people and the planet. This brings us back to our first section which presented the idea of virtue as a behaviour showing high morality and as a habit of acting well. We saw too that ethics involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour.  Importantly, there is the idea of ethics as a normative guidance framework on what should be done to ensure good for the individual and society, regardless of the absence or applicability of a legal obligation.


Last modified: Saturday, 20 November 2021, 7:15 PM