Course Summary (5 minutes)
Train the Trainer (TTT) allows Citizen Science projects to effectively train audiences to deliver training, programmes or projects to others. This course highlights the benefits and challenges that come with employing this technique. In summary, this course has covered:
- What is Train the Trainer?
- Training design
- Engagement pathway
- Facilitators
- Learning content
Once training is conducted, explain what’s next for your facilitators. This could include collecting kit, being allocated in to pairs, being allocated a data site, deadlines for surveillance and data submission, support and engagement and contact details. You should also conduct a review of the training day, clarifying important details and allowing facilitators to provide feedback. Ensure you maintain contact with your facilitators, supporting them where necessary, and acknowledge the effort and contribution they have made. When conducted well, Train the Trainer can be a valuable addition to a citizen science project, promoting multilateral ways of working and increasing the confidence and knowledge of participants. It is important to recognise the commitment to training of this nature, whilst highlighting the benefits. Ensure protocols are considered extensively and fit the brief of the project.
More information about Train the Trainer is available in Section 8, "Further Information".