Course length will influence the content you are able to cover, owing to time constraints. More time allows you to cover more content, or cover the same content but in greater detail. Two sample courses are provided below:

A group of students of different ages sitting on the grass in a learning session. The text is as following: Heading 1: 1 – 3-day training  Introduction and purpose of the training An introduction to what citizen science is The project and its scientific background Subject knowledge Data collection methodology,  including time to practise Facilitation skills - presenting, ideas sharing, challenges and opportunities, listening skills Volunteer management - recruitment, communications. Heading 2: 3+ day training  Everything included in a 1-3 day training Extended practise of the collection method Facilitation skills (extended) - learning styles, group dynamics, posing questions, designing your own training Volunteer management (extended) - team building

You may wish to establish pre-training work for your facilitators. This is beneficial in setting the context for their role and can be useful if time is limited during the training. This could include preparing a short presentation, reviewing the learning materials you will be using or reviewing a project website and thinking of some questions they have. This can be useful in providing clarity about the project and the training, ensuring all involved are clear about the aims and objectives of the project.

Last modified: Thursday, 11 March 2021, 1:34 PM