Welcome (2 minutes)
Welcome to the course “Leading a ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop”. This is a free course for citizen science practitioners looking to employ ‘Train the Trainer’ within their project or activity. This course was developed by Earthwatch and UCL for the EU-Citizen.Science project, a platform for sharing Citizen Science projects, resources, tools, and training.
This course has an interactive component, and we recommend taking the
time to complete these elements to assist your learning. This guidance is aimed
primarily at contributory citizen science projects (projects which are generally designed by scientists and for which members of the public primarily contribute data), and provides advice mainly
to those who wish to host face-to-face training. Many of the principles can
also be adapted to suit online trainings. The concept can be utilised for
trainings across a broad range of subject areas, but does have a focus on
environmental sciences.
During most sections, you will be invited to answer several questions in your own document, but these are for your own planning and reflection as you go along and will not be assessed. There will also be an occasional short non-assessed quiz to check your understanding.
At the end of the module is a 10 question assessed quiz. If you score 50% or higher, you will receive a certificate to say you have passed this module on Train the Trainer.
We anticipate that this course should take you 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, depending on whether you choose to do additional reading.