The following graphic is a case study to serve as an example from the "Subject Knowledge" heading in the previous section. You can visit the project at

A picture of a rocky beach with the following text: Capturing Our Coast (CoCoast) was a 3-year long citizen science project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project was based on a pilot study conducted in Newcastle, UK, which was then expanded to 7 hubs, scattered in different regions of the UK. Across the course of the project, CoCoast trained nearly 3,000 citizen scientists to survey rocky shores, gathering data on marine species to create a wider understanding of UK coastal biodiversity.  Project URL -  CoCoast employed Train the Trainer to equip facilitators with the knowledge and skills to train participants in their data collection methodology, broadening the scientific understanding of the participants and the geographical scope of the project. Information provided to facilitators included – Habitats of your location’s coastline, including regional geology and coastal formations Conservation protection designation  Coastal ecology Tides (spring and neap)  Environmental stressors  Temperature, drying out, salinity  Zonation and shore heights, including how to estimate shore heights  Wave crash and exposure  What are you looking for?  The species – what are you surveying and why – Including common species or rare species, shifting species, invasive species and a species catalogue

Last modified: Thursday, 11 March 2021, 2:13 PM