To facilitate the integration of citizen science (CS) within Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), researchers, students, and administrative staff need to recognize CS as a continually evolving research methodology that can add significant value to their work.

Researchers ought to be prepared and confident in launching new projects using CS methodologies or in incorporating these methods into existing projects. Equally important is the need for administrative staff to fully understand CS, enabling them to provide optimal support to researchers.  

Furthermore, all parties should be aware of the potential social and environmental impacts that CS can bring. CS offers unique opportunities, including access to extensive networks and potential funding sources, which are important for researchers to be aware of.

Intended audiences:

  • Researchers across all career stages 

  • Graduate students 

  • Research-support staff in RPOs or NGOs 

Learning outcomes: 
These learning goals are designed to equip learners with a comprehensive skill set to effectively implement and manage CS projects, contributing to the advancement of research through public participation and open science methodologies.

Upon completion of the modules within this topic area of 'Research and Methodology', the learner will be able to:  

  • Understand the fundamentals of CS: Gain a foundational understanding of CS methodologies and their role within the broader context of Open Science (OS) 

  • Develop and expand research projects with CS methodologies: Acquire the skills to conceptualize and implement new research initiatives using CS approaches or integrate CS methodologies into existing research projects 

  • Apply decision frameworks to assess CS suitability: Utilize structured decision frameworks to evaluate the appropriateness of CS for specific research projects or ideas 

  • Ensure compatibility with OS standards: Master the principles of data management and public outreach in line with OS standards, using tools like the Data Charter for Citizen Science 

  • Manage data effectively in CS projects: Learn best practices for data management, including understanding FAIR data principles and employing effective data hygiene, standards, and formats 

  • Engage and manage volunteers in CS projects: Acquire skills in volunteer management, including recruiting, retaining, and effectively communicating with volunteers, and understand the motivations and journeys of volunteers in CS 

  • Communicate and conduct public outreach: Develop strategies for effective communication and public outreach, crucial for the success and impact of CS projects 

  • Create action plans for CS projects: Through interactive sessions, learn to formulate action plans or pitches for CS projects, integrating learned concepts in data management, volunteer management, and communication 

Last modified: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 4:39 PM