This course resource details the training program description and training resources from the TIME4CS project in four important topic areas for embedding citizen science in research performing organisations: 

  • Research and Methodology
  • Education and Awareness-raising
  • Support Resources and Infrastructure
  • Policy and Assessment.

The development of the training program underwent a meticulous, iterative process, resulting in a finely tuned final version. This version, shaped by extensive piloting at five research performing organisations, reflects a blend of real-world application and expert insights. These pilot training workshops were critical for fine-tuning the training program to suit target audience needs. Expert feedback further refined the content and structure, ensuring a curriculum that is both practical and theoretically sound, responding effectively to the dynamic field of citizen science (CS). The full description of the development of this training program can be found on Zenodo here

The final version of the TIME4CS training program, as outlined in this course resource, offers a diverse and carefully designed curriculum covering key CS aspects. This includes modules on CS methodologies, strategic approaches, policy planning, evaluation frameworks, ethics, and institutional support. The curriculum's success lies in its interactive nature, providing practical, hands-on experiences for learners to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. In essence, the TIME4CS training program stand as a comprehensive and adaptable educational tool, ready to meet the varied needs of researchers, educators, managers, administrators, students, and practitioners in the multifaceted realm of citizen science.

Last modified: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 8:25 PM