1. Designing training using the Logic Model framework

This module educates learners on how to use the Logic Model framework when planning training. This expands the usual focus on training content to also consider the resources needed for developing and conducting the training, the most appropriate activities to run during the training and the outputs from that, and how to reach short- and long-term goals related to the training. It introduces the Logic Model framework as a way to systematically consider all these aspects.

Module description:




Introduction to importance of designing your training

Introducing the learner to steps in customization and implementation of training modules

Providing the learner with an overview of steps to consider when planning and implementing training, and encouraging the learner to think beyond training content to also consider training context, planning and anticipating results of training

Introduction to the Logic Model and customization of it

Introducing the Logic Model framework

Explaining to the learner how to use the Logic Model framework in planning of training to ensure short- and long-term goals are planned for

Slide (available in slide deck)