We hope that the course resources included in the previous modules were helpful and provided inspiration on important aspects to include in training aiming to embed citizen science in Research Performing Organisations. However, only focusing on training content leaves other important aspects of successful training out. We aim to cover some of these aspects in these Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Modules.

TTT is a cascade methodology, aimed at equipping facilitators or trainers with the skills necessary to train others in the institution. It focuses on the contextual aspects of developing and conducting the training rather than the training content itself.

The three modules within this area cover:

  • The first module involves identifying stakeholders and potential audiences. The basics of stakeholder analysis are introduced, followed by audience mapping using Empathy Mapping, developed by Dave Gray, co-founder of strategy consultants Xplane. Empathy Mapping is a visualization technique used to gain insights into a target group or audience by reflecting on what they think or feel, hear and see, and say and do. The outcomes of the module are maps of stakeholders and audiences for your target institution. 
  • The second module revolves around Training Design based on the previous training modules in this online course (further described in deliverable 4.1, available on Zenodo). Learners will customize selected training modules for their audiences identified in the first section. The Logic Model framework will be introduced as a way to guide learners in their thinking about resources, activities, outputs, outcomes and eventual impacts of their training.
  • The third and final module introduces a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the implementation and embedding of training programs at the target institutions. This includes identification of institutional barriers to running the training programs and making them sustainable.

Intended audience(s)

Training providers (internal or external) who provide citizen science-related training to staff at Research Performing Organisations that would like to embed citizen science into their practice

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner will be able to: 

  • conduct a stakeholder analysis for training design purposes
  • understand the available TIME4CS training modules that can be used for training and how to design their training based on those modules
  • plan and design customised training sessions for their institutions based on the TIME4CS training modules, taking into account their stakeholders, learning styles and listening, and audiences’ needs/demands/experiences
  • customise learning objectives, content, exercises, and assessment
  • identify and mitigate challenges to implementing their training

Last modified: Thursday, 11 January 2024, 10:05 PM