o        Determining whether CS is right for your project (weighing pros and cons of CS)
            > CH 1: Determine if Citizen Science is Right for Your Project | US Forest Service (usda.gov)

o        Planning your CS project
            > Choosing, using, and evaluating CS (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) (it has a focus on ecology, so needs to be adapted for other disciplines, e.g. health)
            > Project Planning Guide | US Forest Service (usda.gov) (it has a focus on environmental projects, so needs to be adapted for other disciplines, e.g. health)

o        Data management in CS projects
            > Data charter and guide for citizen science | Scivil
            > DataONE-PPSR-DataManagementGuide.pdf
            > Data and Metadata Working Group: Resources - Citizen Science Association

o        Volunteer management in CS projects
            > Recruiting and Retaining Learners in Citizen Science: What Can Be Learned from the Volunteering Literature? (citizenscienceassociation.org)

o        OS basics (incl. CS)
            > OLCreate: ORION_MOOC ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences (this course has sections on the topics below)
            > Publishing and open access
            > Research data management (FAIR and Open Data)
            > Science communication and public engagement

o        Exemplary CS cases
            > Case stories about successful (and persistent) CS projects (tailored to match the disciplinary background/interests of learners)

o        Institutional theory of organisations (intro)
            > Organized patterns of actions (social norms) vs. formal structures
            > External and internal pressures on the organisation

o        Training needs in the organisation
            > Training needs and recommendations for Citizen Science learners, facilitators and designers (openrepository.com)

o        CS and libraries
            > The Librarian’s Guide to Citizen Science

o        CS policies and roadmaps
            > Green Paper on Citizen Science (ibercivis.es) and White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe (Ibercivis.es)

Last modified: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 1:28 PM