o        Strategic planning in RPOs for CS
TIME4CS Reflection tool for institutional changes in citizen science
Strategic Planning in Higher Education: A Guide for Leaders
                   · Mission, vision and values
                   · Collaborators and beneficiaries
                   · Environmental scan
                   · Goals
                   · Strategies and action plans
                   · Plan creation
                   · Outcomes and achievements

            > Strategic planning: time for a rethink? | Times Higher Education (THE)

o        Uptake of CS for policymaking in Europe
            > C
ritical factors that influence and determine the uptake of CS for policymaking
Exploring citizen science strategies and initiatives in Europe (2021)

o        Exemplary cases
NOAA Citizen Science Strategy
Green Paper Citizen Science Strategy 2020 for Germany
White Paper Citizen Science Strategy 2030 for Germany

o        The reward system of science
Scientific recognition: authorship, citations, acknowledgements, prizes
Scientific careers and assessment criteria for advancements (research, teaching/outreach, industrial/public sector collaboration, other)
Rankings of RPOs: national, regional and international
Intended vs. unintended effects

o        Reform proposals
Transition to open science standards
Identifying and removing incentives that discourage cooperation, encourage poor scientific practices, and deter new talent from entering the field
Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science
Research evaluation needs to change with the times (nature.com)
Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)

o        Co-Creating and Implementing Quality Criteria for Citizen Science (citizenscienceassociation.org)

o        Measuring the Impact of Citizen Science (MICS) EC-funded project

o        RRI goals, processes and tools
RRI goals: ethics, societal engagement, gender equality, open access/science and science education
RRI processes: diversity & inclusiveness, anticipation & reflexivity, openness & transparency, and responsiveness & adaptation
RRI tools: self-reflection and inspiration
Home Page - RRI Tools (rri-tools.eu)

o        CS and RRI as overlapping approaches
RRI and citizen science, how these approaches overlap – Eusea – European Science Engagement Association

o        How to incorporate RRI and CS in RPOs
How to incorporate RRI in higher education institutions - RRI Tools (rri-tools.eu)

Last modified: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 1:42 PM