Citizen science education and awareness-raising include actions that raise awareness of CS amongst researchers, students, managers and other Research Performing Organisation (RPO) staff, as well as members of the public (incl. communities of citizen scientists). 

This area includes general information about CS for members of the organisation but also activities – courses, seminars, workshops, master classes, open days, and much more – that involves larger and more diverse audiences. This holistic approach involves not only providing general information about CS within the organisation but also engaging in a diverse array of activities. By involving larger and more diverse audiences through these activities, a robust and inclusive institutional ecosystem can be created for CS.

The modules within this topic area comprise a comprehensive course that motivates learners to create CS training and awareness programs for various audiences within RPOs. Targeting researchers, educational staff, and outreach personnel at all career levels, it covers the development of CS programs, management of volunteers and their training, and the integration of CS into STEM education. The program also emphasizes the importance of public engagement, providing strategies for effective communication and outreach. With six detailed sections, including interactive sessions on designing CS training and engagement initiatives, learners will leave equipped to foster a culture of citizen science within and beyond their organizations. The course culminates with the application of learned concepts through the creation of communication plans and school project implementations, ensuring that learners can enact meaningful CS educational and outreach activities.

Intended audiences:

  • Researchers at all career stages 

  • Research-support, educational and outreach staff at research performing organisations (RPOs) 

  • Training providers for RPOs 

  • Volunteer managers and facilitators 

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the two modules within this topic area of 'Education & Awareness-raising', the learner will be able to: 

  • Understand the significance: Gain a deep understanding of the importance of citizen science training and awareness in promoting responsible and inclusive research and innovation practices 

  • Employ effective strategies: Learn strategies for conducting impactful training sessions and awareness-raising activities tailored to researchers, volunteers, and other stakeholders within RPOs 

  • Assess stakeholders and audiences: Develop the skills to conduct audience assessments and stakeholder analyses to tailor training experiences for specific groups and contexts 

  • Use train-the-trainer methodologies: Explore the train-the-trainer concept and its application in disseminating citizen science knowledge within RPOs 

  • Design training programs based in the logic model: Apply the fundamental components of the logic model to design training sessions that align with objectives, target audiences, and chosen training methods 

  • Engage schools and communities: Understand the challenges and opportunities of involving school children and communities in citizen science projects 

  • Design effective communication and engagement: Craft purposeful communication and engagement strategies tailored to larger and diverse audiences, advancing citizen science projects and building enduring connections with stakeholders beyond RPOs 

Last modified: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 4:52 PM