1. Data management and open science practices in citizen science projects

This module instructs learners on aligning their citizen science projects with OS standards. It delves into the Data Charter for Citizen Science, covering essential elements like FAIR data principles, privacy, ethics, and data hygiene, to ensure responsible and effective data practices. The module also introduces the 5-star open data concept, guiding learners through the application of open data and OS principles to enhance the integrity and impact of their research.

Module description: 




The benefits of open science

Going over an array of benefits across five domains

Explaining to the learner why it is worth following the course

Components of open science

Using UNESCO’s open science chart to give insight into the many aspects of OS

Demonstrating that there are many reasons for integrating OS and CS

What is FAIR data?

FAIR data principles and why they are important to CS

Demonstrating that there are many reasons for implementing the FAIR data standards in citizen science projects

The 5-star open data and the open attitude

Introducing the 5-star open data ladder and the open attitude

Enabling participants to place their data management plan on the 5-star open data ladder

The Data Charter for Citizen Science: Privacy and ethics

Introducing the Data Charter for Citizen Science and issues pertaining to privacy and ethics

Enabling participants to incorporate reflections about privacy and ethics into their project planning

The Data Charter for Citizen Science: Data hygiene, standards, and formats

The Data Charter for Citizen Science on data hygiene, standards, and formats 

Enabling participants to incorporate relevant standards and formats into their data management plan

The Data Charter for Citizen Science: Data management

Overview of data protocols, metadata management, data standards, and data evaluation

Enabling participants to learn from best practices in data management

Slide (available in slide deck)