We hope you've enjoyed learning more about citizen scientist communities and the wonderful impacts they can have on science and on people. The imperfect human relationships, the joys and sorrows, the vulnerabilities and strong opinions, might seem a little daunting and you may feel tempted to stick to newsletters and automated feedback! Don't worry. No community is perfect, and perfection is not expected of you. 

Citizen scientists are your colleagues, and they want to do the best job they can. You and they have the common goal of creating knowledge and perhaps improving the world. They have put in their time usually for free, they may have helped each other or discovered something really interesting, and hopefully they've had a good time or learned something new that has contributed to their own lives. What they'd really like is to know what's going to happen as a result of their hard work, and to be able to talk to each other and you. Pietro Michelucci of Stall Catchers has a very simple message for them, which we thought you'd like to hear too:

Last modified: Monday, 28 June 2021, 4:48 PM