“Everything has a story. Philosophy also tells stories – philosophy tells stories, and speaks of concepts. [...] But what I am saying in all this is that science is no less, you know, science is not any less creative. I do not see so much opposition between science, art and all that…A scientist invents and creates as much as an artist.”Gilles Deleuze


  (at 7:14 -8:28).

We will share with you some creative examples of possible ways to communicate your story and you will hear from some of the members of ECSA's working group on Storytelling, on how they have used stories or have storified their messages. 
Drawing showing the face of a person who is speaking. A string of flowers displaying  way come from her/his mouth. Credits: Andrea Troncoso CC-BY

Last modified: Monday, 4 October 2021, 9:38 AM