Thank you very much for taking this course. The following are additional organisations and people whose support were invaluable during development.
We would like to thank EU-Citizen.Science and the European Comission's Horizon 2020 initiative for funding the development of this course. We are very grateful for their support in making this course possible.
We are thankful to Professor Muki Haklay for reviewing this course. His thoughtful comments have guided us in improving the quality of the content.
We would like to thank our six user testers for their valuable feedback during the development of this course (in alphabetical order of last name).
- Julien Colomb
- Brianna Johns (Gathering for Open Science Hardware)
- Augaly S. Kiedi (Contributor, Citizen Science & Open Science Community of Practice)
- Laura Olalde
- John Terenzini
- Jeremy Wright
Supporting people and communities
We also extend our thanks to the following communities and people who have helped shape the vision and content for the course. We are grateful for their feedback and ideas.