Further contact details
For more information about citizen science, you can contact the European Citizen Science Association at https://ecsa.citizen-science.net/ or send an email to ecsa-admin@mfn.berlin . In the USA, you can contact the Citizen Science Association https://citizenscience.org/ and in Australia, contact the Australian Citizen Science Association https://citizenscience.org.au/
The academic journal Citizen Science: Theory and Practice is dedicated to the latest developments in the field, although many papers on citizen science are now appearing regularly in many academic journals. As you've seen in the course, citizen science adapt itself to the specific scientific field in which it is operating, so it is a good idea to approach people who are publishing on citizen science within this specific field.
There are also two books that can be useful and are available with free access. They are called Citizen Science and The Science of Citizen Science. The US PBS series the Crowd and the Cloud is another useful resource.