You’ve reached the end of Part 4! Well done for all your hard work. 

During the course, we’ve been looking at how we can contribute and lead our own citizen science projects. We have heard and been learning from citizen observatories across Europe who have shared their experiences in the citizen science process. 

This week we dove into what to do with the results. We have explored different projects that have used their findings in different ways and also heard about how citizen science data can help with policy-related activities, such as Sustainable Development Goals.  We’ve also heard about projects which have used the data to lobby for change and the projects which use activism to increase awareness and put environmental issues at the top of the government’s agenda. 

We’ve been overwhelmed by the diversity of people taking part in many different countries. People concerned about changing climates and passionate about citizen science. In getting to know you, we’ve learnt that you have many different motivations for getting involved in citizen science. From improving and informing your own knowledge as citizen scientists, to taking control and creating your own projects. The enthusiasm from everyone has helped to create a very rich and exciting course, and we thank everyone for their participation. 

We hope this course is just the beginning, and we have shared many ways to get involved in citizen science around the world, both in your local community and online. 

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you taking part in citizen science in the future!

Last modified: Thursday, 22 April 2021, 2:36 PM