Section outline

  • In this fourth step to 'Your Right to Privacy Online' course you will gain the following three learning outcomes:

    1. Describe and discuss the different aspects of privacy.

    2. Identify and evaluate the way personal data is collected whilst navigating the web and using apps on smart devices.

    3. Understand the rights to privacy arising from charters to protect our data.

    By the end of step 4 you should be able to answer the question:

    What rights do I have to privacy ? and Understand three main codes that grant us rights to privacy.

    To recap what we have learnt so far:

    ·      In step1 we were introduced to the concept of ‘privacy’

    ·      In step2 we learnt that ‘personal data’ refers to a living person

    ·      In step3 we learnt about some of the ways our data can be captured online (e.g. though cookies)

    In this step we will explore ‘human rights.