Training and raising awareness about citizen science
Site: | European Citizen Science Academy (ECS academy) |
Course: | Supporting Sustainable Institutional Changes to Promote Citizen Science |
Book: | Training and raising awareness about citizen science |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Friday, 31 January 2025, 7:18 AM |
This module centres on the development and execution of CS training and awareness within RPOs. It equips learners to conduct impactful inreach and outreach activities, distinguishing between internal training programs and external public engagement efforts. The module showcases exemplary CS educational initiatives, like the Citizen Science Talent Program at the University of Southern Denmark and the MOOC from UCL’s Extreme Citizen Science Group, demonstrating the range of training formats available. It emphasizes the train-the-trainers methodology, preparing learners to both learn and teach CS concepts effectively. The interactive session uses the logic model to guide learners through designing their own CS training, fostering a practical understanding of planning, executing, and evaluating educational programs.
1. Strategies for training and raising awareness among researchers, volunteers, and other stakeholders
This module focuses on developing effective citizen science training and awareness programs within RPOs. It guides learners through the nuances of inreach (internal training and learning) versus outreach (public engagement) activities, using examples from diverse programs like the Citizen Science Talent Program and online courses from the UCL’s Extreme Citizen Science Group. The module emphasizes the importance of understanding different audience needs and tailors its content to ensure learners can design impactful training sessions and public events that effectively promote citizen science.
Module description:
What? |
How? |
Why? |
Overview of inreach and outreach activities |
Explaining the difference between in- and outreach in terms of target groups and formats |
Providing the learners with an overview, which is useful for the following examples |
Example one: Citizen Science Talent Program (Master’s level course offered by the University of Southern Denmark) |
Describing an on-site Master’s level course for students (including group projects on citizen science) |
Demonstration of what can be achieved with a course specifically designed for university students and involving researchers as supervisors |
Example two: Citizen Science and Scientific Crowdsourcing: An Introduction (MOOC offered by UCL’s Extreme Citizen Science Group) |
Describing one of the many available online courses for researchers and others that would like to know (more) about citizen science |
Demonstration of what can be achieved with in introduction course on citizen science |
Example three: The EU-Citizen.Science Training Platform with one example (Storytelling for citizen science) |
Describing the scope of the EU-Citizen.Science Training Platform and providing one example of a free 2,5-hour course designed to introduce storytelling and give practical tools to shape narratives to communicate about and engage with citizen science |
Demonstration of free training resources already available and one example, which is also relevant to the topic of this training program |
Example four: Open Citizen Day held at the Steno Museum in Aarhus, Denmark |
Describing an open-day activity designed to promote a variety of citizen science projects to the general public |
Demonstrating the potential of outreach awareness-raising activities outside the RPO |
Overview of what can be accomplished by inreach and outreach activities |
Bringing the stories together and elaborating on some key terms for citizen science education and awareness such as inreach program and initiatives (curriculum-based courses, capacity-building trainings, informal mutual learning events) and public outreach activities (open days, festivals, happenings, science cafes) |
Enabling the learners to think about pros and cons of inreach and outreach activities |
Slide (available in slide deck)
2. Setting up training sessions for researchers and others in the RPO
This module is designed to impart the essentials of creating CS training and development programs within RPOs. It emphasizes the train-the-trainers methodology, equipping learners with the skills to design and conduct training sessions for various stakeholders, including researchers, volunteers, students, and administrative staff. The module covers stakeholder analysis, training content development for different audiences, and best practices for volunteer training, ultimately enabling learners to comprehensively plan and execute effective CS training sessions within their organisations.
Module description:
What? |
How? |
Why? |
Things to consider before setting up training sessions for researchers and others |
Thinking about the who, when and what for training of staff (audiences, stakeholders, and content) + the train-the-trainer concept |
Explaining to learners that there are many groups and resources to consider in preparation for training |
Stakeholder analysis |
Describing the basic model of stakeholder analysis going beyond the core team to consider audiences and stakeholders |
Enabling the learners to situate their (planned) training in the organisational framework of the RPO and to perform stakeholder analysis to inform their training designs |
What researchers need to know about CS |
Describing the content of existing training courses aimed at researchers |
Inspiring learners to design their own training programs for researchers |
What students need to know about CS |
Describing the content of existing training courses aimed at students |
Inspiring learners to design their own training programs for students |
What other RPO staff need to know about CS |
Describing the content of existing training courses aimed at administrative staff, e.g., research-support, educational and outreach staff |
Inspiring learners to design their own training programs for administrative staff |
Train-the-trainer (TTT) |
Describing the TTT concept and things to consider when leading a TTT workshop |
Demonstrating the value and practice of TTT |
Setting up training sessions for volunteers (learners) |
Explaining the various steps from including the learners in the stakeholder analysis to planning of training and taking into consideration different learning styles |
Enabling learners to get an overview of the process involved in setting up training for volunteers |
Levels of training for volunteers from onboarding to task training and other in-project learning opportunities |
Providing an overview of different levels of trainings for volunteers: recruitment (onboarding) – task training – expanded learning and development opportunities |
Enabling learners to get an overview of the various training and learning opportunities for volunteers |
The logic model used to design volunteer training |
Introducing the logic model in the context of volunteer training |
Allowing the learners to become familiar with the logic model applied to volunteer training (to be used in the interactive session) |
Slide (available in slide deck)
3. Interactive session: Design your own training inside or outside your RPO
In this interactive session, learners will utilize the logic model to design a CS training program, either for internal stakeholders within their RPOs or for external audiences. Learners will have a clear, logic model-based plan for a CS training program. They will gain hands-on experience in applying a structured approach to training design. The session fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and practical application of theoretical knowledge in CS training development.
Module description:
Program |
Task |
Introduction |
Briefly introduce the logic model as a tool for planning and evaluating CS training programs. Explain the session's objective: to create a structured plan for a CS training session. |
Group formation |
Divide learners into small groups or set them up to work individually. Provide each group or individual with a template of the logic model and necessary materials (pens, paper, or digital tools). |
Designing the training |
Learners use the logic model to develop their CS training plan. This involves identifying inputs (resources needed), activities (what will be done), outputs (immediate results), outcomes (short and long-term goals), and impacts (broader changes or benefits). Encourage creativity and practicality, considering factors like audience, content, resources, and desired outcomes. |
Sharing and feedback |
Each group or individual presents their logic model-based training plan. Encourage peer-to-peer feedback, focusing on the feasibility, clarity, and potential impact of each plan. |
Evaluation and conclusion |
Conclude the session by highlighting the importance of structured planning in effective training program design. If time allows, the facilitator can provide brief, overarching feedback, emphasizing key takeaways. |
Slide (available in slide deck)