Train-the-Trainer: Stakeholders and audiences
1. Stakeholder analysis and audience mapping
This module educates learners on the diverse ways of thinking about, analysing, and mapping training stakeholders and audiences. From considering the current level of engagement, importance and interest of stakeholders, and timely involvement of relevant stakeholders to carefully considering the characteristics of training audiences, this module equips learners with the knowledge to apply these methods in their work.
Module description:
What? |
How? |
Why? |
Introduction to importance of knowing your target audience / participants |
Introducing the learner to reasons CS projects fail, and the Ladder of Participation for researchers and other staff |
Explaining to the learner why stakeholder and audience mapping and analysis are important tools, and encouraging learners to think about different levels of participation or readiness for CS |
Introduction to teaching and learning styles |
Introducing student learning styles and the Facilitator teaching style |
Explaining to the learner that there many different learning styles that need to be considered, as well as identifying an appropriate teaching style for the CS training to deeply engage with learners is important |
Stakeholder analysis and mapping |
Introducing ways to map and analyse stakeholders, including on Interest/Influence scales and taking a timeline approach |
Demonstration of how different ways of mapping stakeholders can be useful in different circumstances. Enabling learners to conduct a stakeholder analysis and mapping, considering the timing of the training |
Audience mapping |
Using Empathy Mapping (by to dive deeper into the characteristics of identified (training) audiences |
Enabling learners to conduct audience mapping for their planned trainings |
Slide (available in slide deck)